Newport Community School Primary Academy is a mainstream primary school with a nursery, educating 452 children (September 2024). The school hosts one of Devon’s Communication and Interaction Resource Bases (CAIRBs).
The CAIRB supports the inclusion of up to ten pupils across North Devon with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) with identified Communication and Interaction (CI) needs so that they can access a mainstream primary setting. The majority of children have a diagnosis of Autism and more information on the CAIRB can be found on Devon’s Local Offer website, www.devon.gov.uk/send.
Our school will do its best to ensure that the necessary provision is made for any pupil who has special educational needs or disabilities (SEND). We will ensure that all staff in the school are able to identify and provide for pupils who have special educational needs or disabilities providing an inclusive school environment and removing barriers to learning. Our aim is to support children and young people prepare for adulthood.
Our Team will work to ensure that all pupils with SEND reach their full potential, are fully included within the school community and are able to make successful transfers between educational establishments.
The SEND Policy and Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo) aim to support all members of our team to provide positive whole school approaches towards the learning, progress and achievement of SEND pupils. With this as an underlying principle, we believe that;
All teachers are teachers of Special Educational Needs (SEN Code of Practice, 2014) .
Every teacher is responsible and accountable for the progress and development of all pupils in their class, even where pupils access support from teaching assistants or specialist staff.
Teaching and supporting pupils with SEND is a whole school responsibility requiring a whole school response. Meeting the needs of pupils with SEND requires partnership working between all those involved – pupils, parents/carers, school, children’s services and other agencies and the Local Authority (LA).
Our SENDCo is Harriet Vickery; she can be contacted through the school office,01271 376252 or by emailing sendcoadmin@newport.tarkatrust.org.uk.
Inclusion Team: Inclusion Administrator, SENDCo, Teaching Assistants and Additional Needs Practitioners
Multi Agency Early Help Offer- more information can be found at:
Devon Children and Families Partnership https://www.dcfp.org.uk/early-help/
Devon Information Advice and Support (DIAS)
Further support and advice for parents can be accessed from DIAS. This organisation is able to provide impartial and independent advice, support and information on special educational needs and disabilities.
Devon County Council Local Offer website- https://www.devon.gov.uk/educationandfamilies/special-educational-needs-and-disability-send-local-offer
This website provides valuable information about different agencies, services and resources for children, young people with SEND and their families in addition to school resources and information.
Early Help is the extra support your family can get if you need it. It may be that you want to prevent a problem, or change things for your family before the problem becomes more serious. It is not a specific service or team, it’s an approach that brings together people from a range of services and teams who will work together with your whole family to help improve the situation for everyone.