Reporting an absence
Contact with parent/carer if a child is absent from school
Parent/carer to inform office by 8.25am of child's absence and reason for absence (please leave a message on the absence line or email admin@newportprimary.devon.sch.uk)
A member of the Office Team will ring the first priority contact from 9.15am to check on absence if no message is received from the parent/carer - a follow-up phone call will be made to the second and third contact if the first contact has not been reached.
3 contacts must be provided to the school for making contact for absence and emergencies- one of which must be a contact not living in the home
If the school has been unable to make contact with the child's parent/carer and has no reason for a child's absence, the school will contact other agencies by 10.00am as part of our duty of care towards children.
Contact with parent/carer if a child is not picked up from school
A member of the Office Team will ring the parent/carer to inform them their child is still at school if they have not made contact already - a follow-up phone call will be made to the second and third contact, if the first contact has not been reached
If a child is not picked up from school by 4.15pm and no contact has been made with the parent/carer, the school will contact social services as part of our duty of care towards children.
For your child to make the best possible progress and development at school it is important they attend school every day.
Attendance and punctuality are an important part of preparing children for future education and adult working life.
• Non urgent medical/dental and other appointments should be arranged out of school hours. Parents are requested to provide a medical card/letter for authorisation of the absence.
• Absence which hasn’t been explained will remain as unauthorised.
• When children have had more than 5 individual periods of illness in one school year parents/carers will be asked to provide medical evidence for the illness to be authorised and a meeting with the leader for supporting children with medical needs.