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World Book Day

Thursday 5th March – Come to school dressed as your favourite book character - £1 donation for new reading materials. There is a special dinner menu on this day.

Thursday 5th March after school – There will be a used book sale in the hall after school. Alongside this, the children in the School Council will also be holding a cake sale. Please bring in donations of quality used books during the week commencing the 2nd March and cake donations on Thursday 5th March.

As a school, we will be taking part in the World Book Day Share a Million Stories. As well as completing this within school, families can also register to take part. For more information, see:

During the week of the 2nd March, to encourage the children to share stories, each class will be inviting parents into the classrooms at 2.40pm to share books together. See dates for your diary for more details.

Alongside all of these activities, children will be encouraged to complete the Reading Star Game for their home learning during the week. A link to this game can be found attached:

As well as these exciting events, we have planned a host of other activities to promote reading for pleasure throughout the week. For further information about World Book Day and for access to book recommendations and online books, visit the following website:

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