
At Newport Community Primary Academy, we promote physical activity as a requirement for a healthy lifestyle within PE lessons and the broader curriculum. Indoor and outdoor PE lessons allow children to develop a range of motor competence alongside an understanding of fair play, teamwork, collaboration, rules, strategies and tactics, all of which enable them to have choices when they are considering their preferred method of participation in physical activity throughout their lives.
Our school provides opportunities for children to develop competence in a range of competitive and non-competitive activities, beginning with fundamental movement skills in the early years, and continuing by building on these skills through revisiting different sports and activities in KS1 and KS2. Pupils will take part in gymnastics, dance, athletics and house competitions every year, as well as tennis, tag rugby, cross country running, hockey, basketball, cricket, dodgeball, netball, outdoor and adventurous activities, football and rounders every other year.
Children in KS2 are taught to swim a distance of at least 25 metres using a range of strokes, and to look after their own personal safety in and around water. All children will also be offered the opportunity to take part in residential trips which focus on outdoor and adventurous activities, as well as sports competitions and festivals with other schools in the local area.
All children are offered an extra-curricular programme of sports and physical activities including those delivered by external coaches, which aims to increase participation levels as well as develop performance levels for competitive environments. Children up to Year 1 have access to a range of ride-on equipment in continuous provision, providing progression through to two-wheeled pedal bikes. During their time in school, children are offered both Balanceability sessions to increase confidence on two wheels, and Bikeability sessions, which culminate in learning to ride safely on the road.