Key Stage 2
(Year 3, Year 4,
Year 5 &
Year 6)

As children continue their journey into Phase 3, the curriculum continues to be organised into inspiring and engaging Learning Explorations, in which links are made between subjects where appropriate and other subjects planned and taught discretely.
Reading activities continue to take place daily and some children may continue to access phonics lessons to ensure they develop into fluent, confident readers.
Daily Maths sessions are taught in Phase 3, continuing to follow the the White Rose Maths sequence and using a range of resources including NCETM and practical manipulatives. In Year 4, children take part in the national multiplication tables check.
The teachers in Phase 3 take part in termly Cohort Keep-Up meetings that allow the Phase Leader to support teachers in delivering the right provision for each child to make an appropriate level of progress as they move through the Phase.
Transition to secondary school begins in Phase 3, during which children take part in a range of activities in partnership with The Park Community School. As children come to the end of their time in primary school, they prepare for Year 6 national curriculum tests and take part in more regular activities to support the transition into Year 7.