Key Stage 1
(Year 1 & Year 2)

As children move into Phase 2, providing them with meaningful learning opportunities and experiences remains at the heart of the curriculum. National Curriculum subjects are introduced and more formal learning is also introduced over time.
At the beginning of Phase 2, Year 1 children have access to continuous provision, providing a link from Phase 1. Year 1 teachers move children into a more formal learning style when children are ready, to ensure they are prepared for Year 2.
As they move through Phase 2 children continue daily phonics and guided reading sessions following the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds reading model, as well as taking home books carefully matched to their current reading level. These sessions are delivered in a whole class or small group.
Maths is taught in Phase 2 based on White Rose Maths and the NCETM Mastering Number using a range of resources including NCETM and practical manipulatives.
Science, Art, IT and Computing, Design and Technology, Geography, History, Primary Languages, Music, PE (Physical Education), PSHE (Personal, Social, Health and Economic) and RSE (Relationships and Sex) Education, RE (Religious Education) and Global Learning are taught either through Learning Explorations or as discrete lessons, as teachers judge most appropriate.
The teachers in Phase 2 take part in termly Cohort Keep-Up meetings that allow the Phase Leader to support teachers in delivering the right provision for each child to make an appropriate level of progress as they move through the Phase.