At Newport Community Primary Academy, we provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all children, in line with the requirements of the National Curriculum and the expectations of the Early Years Foundation Stage framework.
Our curriculum provides a clear progression model, supporting the layering of new knowledge and skills on secure foundations which are recapped. It is delivered through inspiring and engaging units of learning underpinned by our ethos and learning values.
The curriculum for each subject is carefully sequenced, planned, resourced and taught to ensure it is coherent, matched to individual children's needs and aspirational for all. Links are made between subjects where appropriate, to deepen children’s understanding. Where subjects are planned and taught discretely, we ensure that both the knowledge and skills of the subject can be explicitly learnt.
To ensure our curriculum is current, relevant and inspiring and promotes cultural capital, we enrich learning through varied resources and experiences.
For further information about our curriculum, please contact Mrs Laura Kies (Headteacher), through the school office: admin@newport.tarkatrust.org.uk