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Phase 3 Achievement Assembly
In phase 3 this week, we celebrated many children who achieved a certificate for showcasing our school values today - including the whole...

Year 5 Guildhall Trip
On Thursday, Robins went on a trip to the Barnstaple Guildhall to learn all about the history of Barnstaple and about the significance of...

Year 2 Local Walk
On Wednesday, Year 2 went out on a local walk as part of our Geography topic 'Devon Detectives. We followed a map and walked along the...

Year 2 Children in Need Day Maths
Year 2 worked in pairs to find and solve maths challenges in the Go Wild. They collaborated so well!

Year 4 Roman Artefacts & Replicas
Year 4 visited the museum last week to begin our learning on the Romans. We examined Roman artefacts and replicas to try and understand...

Year 6 Anxiety Art Week
Year 6 focused on the emotion 'anxiety' in arts week this week and worked hard to design and create mod-roc and wire sculptures. They...

Year 1 Healthy Lifestyle
Year 1 are learning about the different food groups and which our bodies need to be healthy in D&T this half term. This week they have...

Year 4 Soap Carving
Year 4 have been looking at famous sculptor Barbara Hepworth and tried to emulate her famous sculpting style as part of our art week....

Phase 3 Achievement Assembly
Well done to all of our children who received values certificates last week.

Phase 2 Achievement Assembly
Well done to all those in phase 2 who received an award last week!

Phase 3 Achievement Assembly
Well done to everyone in phase three this week who received a certificate for showcasing our school values!

Phase 3 Achievement Assembly
This week in our phase assembly, we celebrated lots of children across phase 3 who have been awarded with values certificates. Well done...

Year 2 Hundertwesser Art Work
This week year 2 have been exploring art work by Hundertwesser and creating their own pieces.

Year 1 Local Walk
To finish year 1’s Geography unit of our local area within the UK, the children applied their knowledge to follow a map and directions,...

FONS Spooktacular Autumn Disco
Last night's disco was a spooktacular success! From "Monster Mash dance-offs" to "Things that go bump in the night", the children wasted...

Nursery Learning About Diwali
We have been learning about Diwali which will be celebrated across the world next week. We listened to the story of Rama and Sita and...

Phase 3 Achievement Assembly
Last week we celebrated members of phase three who have been awarded a certificate to celebrate them showcasing our school values in and...

Year 1 Seasonal Changes
Over the half term, Year 1 have been observing the seasonal changes happening in Autumn by noticing the change in temperature, weather...

Year 5 and 6 Cross Country
On Wednesday, Y5 and 6 took part in a Cross Country event at Park Community School with 14 of our Newport Children placed in the top 10!...
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