
At Newport Community School Primary Academy, we support children in accessing online content safely, with a focus on online safety including cyber bullying being a key part of the IT and Computing curriculum each term. We use Project EVOLVE to support e-safety, and link this to our PSHE curriculum where possible. Safer Internet Day is recognised each year, with children across the school taking part in e-safety activities.
From Nursery, children begin learning about concepts and approaches: Programming, Sequencing, Tinkering, Selection, Repetition/Iteration, Variables, Inputs, Outputs, Control, Data, Simulation, Computer networks, Internet, Search technologies and Logic. From Year 1 upwards, children access the Teach Computing Curriculum which is supported by the National Centre for Computing Education and provides clear progression through each year group and Key Stage.
To support their wider curriculum work using their skills learnt in IT and Computing, children have regular access to hardware including Bee-Bots, iPads and Surface Gos.