
​To provide purposeful opportunities for pupils to develop their oracy skills in a way which engages and inspires pupils in their learning across the curriculum, Oracy begins in EYFS where children are introduced to new vocabulary through stories and nursery rhymes, provision and a rich range of experiences. As children progress through school, they are given varied opportunities to speak in a range of contexts and for different purposes to inform, persuade and entertain.
Throughout the school, teachers plan for Oracy using the Oracy Framework, which supports children to understand the physical, linguistic, cognitive, and social and emotional skills that enable successful discussion, inspiring speech and effective communication.
Teachers use ‘talk expectations’ to ensure all children speak audibly and articulately with confidence, clarity and eloquence, confident in the value of their own opinions and able to express and justify them to others. 
All children are taught to recognise the importance of listening in conjunction with speaking and being able to listen for extended amounts of time. Throughout the school pupils are taught to respect the contribution of others and to take account of their views with an open mind, so that by the end of Year 6, every child will have experience of sustaining a logical argument, questioning, reasoning and responding to others appropriately.
In classrooms where all children have their voices valued equally and are given opportunities to lead learning experiences, teachers celebrate the diversity of languages, dialects and accents in the school as well as the wider community and around the world.